Application Scenario

By interpreting the data provided by sensors to understand the status of the user.

Additional sensors help police officer faster; environmental sensor helps detect hazardous gases, the weapon alert sensor for the gun holster, public safety communication kit always on communication effectively improve operation efficiently & safty.

Sensors help fireman better understand the situation on site & improve communication efficient. Integrated temperature sensor tells fireman over heat alert.

Smart life jacket provides GPS & medical signals for offshore monitoring, can provide assistance when necessary  

Tailor make smart suite for remote monitoring

On garment switches, super convenient for motorcycle driver.

Amazing! ‘Smart’ clothes generate electricity

Smart Suit control center

Fall Alert; sports, elderly, access….

Smart Suite to monitor your athletic performance

Sleep checker by monitoring your heart-rate, respiration rate, body temperature and galvanic skin response, improve sleep quality; prevention of high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea…

Application Scenario

Keep your feet warm in cold wealthier, tracking mechanism to chart how many steps a user takes each day, good for outdoor sports

Bioserenity combines smart clothing with biometric sensors to monitor epilepsy to provide a warning for precautions

New Smart ARMOUR Clothing Will Protect Elderly from FRACTURES

Market Trend

Market Trend

推智慧醫院 建大數據平台

要發展智慧城市, 港府稱最遲2020年新醫院也要行智慧模式, 醫管局也要在後年設大數據分析平台。

但有大學教授認為,智慧城市在醫療上的發展不限醫院,  可仿效日本和新加坡, 延伸至社區照顧長者,出事便可感應通報


另外,醫管局於2019年設立大數據分析平台,以促進醫療相關研究, 同時在2022年或以前, 分階段推行第2階段電子健康紀錄互通系統, 支援擴大可互通資料範圍, 研發開發病人平台及互通限制功能, 以鼓勵病人主動管理個人健康。智慧城市聯盟會長楊全盛指,護士常被指經驗人手不足,醫院其實可引入更多科技元素,如引入科技進行日常檢查,減輕護士工作量。


科大工程實踐副教授兼高級顧問(創業)黃岳永稱, 人口老化, 醫療負荷有增無減, 若政府只着眼於發展智慧醫院, 未能減輕醫院負擔, 而可效法日本或新加坡, 在長者家中安裝感應器, 並連接附近的日間護理中心, 若長者在家中暈倒, 可第一時間通知中心, 派人救援。

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